Value of DATA-EX

DATA-EX is a general term for the activities that provide common technologies and standards, allowing various fields and industries to build their own data federation platform (data space*).

DSA is working to realize a CPS (Cyber-Physical System) where data and human resources federate and circulate. As part of this effort, DSA is developing common functions necessary for data federation, including a data catalog search function and CADDE, a mechanism enabling cross-domain data discovery and utilization, which are results of the “SIP Phase 2: Development of Infrastructure Technologies for Cross-Domain Data Exchange”.
Additionally, features such as data authenticity assurance, quality evaluation, data management, statistics, analysis, and visualization are being developed. DSA plans to fully launch the DATA-EX platform, which will provide these common technologies, in 2025.

DATA-EX is set to become a hub for domestic data federation while also promoting social implementation through discussions with major international organizations, aiming for interoperability with global data federation platforms such as Gaia-X.


Why is "DATA-EX" necessary?

Recently, the utilization of data has advanced across various fields, enriching people’s lives. However, the challenge lies in the fact that individual applications and services operate independently, preventing the seamless flow of data across different sectors, such as companies and industries. As data is dispersed across multiple domains, different methods and technologies are required to enable the necessary data federation.
To address this challenge, DSA is developing common technologies that facilitate cross-domain data federation, which will be provided through the “DATA-EX platform.”
The technologies offered by the “DATA-EX platform” prioritize the management of data exchange under the sovereignty of the institutions participating in the data spaces for each domain (autonomous decentralized collaboration model). This enables the necessary data to be utilized when needed, under mutual agreement and management. Furthermore, by leveraging these common technologies, it becomes possible to freely build data spaces that span industries and sectors. By federating a wide variety of data through these data spaces, the platform is expected to contribute to solving challenges such as the following:

Application Example in the Disaster Prevention Field

Traditionally, during disasters, delays in collecting damage information have made it difficult to guide safe evacuations and quickly formulate recovery plans. However, through the use of a data space, various types of previously dispersed information—such as public transportation operation data, lifeline information for electricity, gas, water, and communications, and shelter information held by local governments—can now be appropriately collected and utilized. This is expected to contribute to minimizing damage during disasters and supporting rapid recovery efforts.

Application Example in the Medical Field

A data space enables the integration of data between hospital reservation systems and transportation providers’ dispatch systems, creating a one-stop service for hospital visits. This facilitates smoother hospital visits for elderly individuals and contributes to revitalizing the local economy through the streamlining of local transportation.

Application Example in the Manufacturing Field

In the manufacturing sector, a data space enables the federation of a wide range of supply chain-related data, including data necessary for each manufacturing process, consumer needs, sales status, as well as traffic conditions and disaster information. This federation facilitates the seamless integration of data, which is expected to help reduce inventory loss and shorten delivery times. Moreover, by promoting the use of data that supports the reduction of CO2 emissions across the supply chain, it can contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society.

"DATA-EX" Initiatives Map

“DATA-EX” serves as a data hub that transcends industries and sectors across Japan. It is also a key initiative within the comprehensive data strategy approved by the Cabinet in June 2021 (Reiwa 3), where it is designated as a priority item for enhancing the data utilization environment. The initiative aims to integrate data governance functions, such as rules for data utilization, personal information protection, and intellectual property protection, through collaboration with the data trading market and private services like PDS (Personal Data Store) and information banks. Furthermore, by fostering mutual understanding with international data initiatives, including those in Europe and India, and promoting “DATA-EX” globally, the initiative contributes to the realization of DFFT (Data Free Flow with Trust).

Future Outlook and Development Environment of the DATA-EX

DATA-EX provides “connectors” as common software modules that allow participants to construct their own data spaces. By using these connectors, data providers can exchange data with external parties and control data usage when providing data, while data users can standardize interfaces to offer their services.
Additionally, the platform offers features such as cross-sector search capabilities to identify who holds specific data, guarantees for the authenticity of both data providers and users, data integrity assurance, and support for international collaboration.

DSA provides a testbed for its members prior to full-scale social implementation.

Activity Contents


To examine the ideal form of a data space, DSA, in collaboration with the research team for the “SIP Phase 2 Development of Infrastructure Technologies for Cross-Domain Data Exchange,” held an intensive workshop and produced the following documents, including the “DATA-EX Cross-Domain Data Federation platform Technical Specifications”.

No. Document name Summary
1 DATA-EX intersectoral data linkage platform
Technological specification document
Document that stipulates definitions of DATA-EX architecture and the role of each stakeholder
Used to understand the way DATA-EX should be points for discussion in the future, basic information for implementation, etc


DSA will continue to develop the following design documents for the DATA-EX cross-domain data federation platform and, with the support of its member companies, will continue the activities of the DATA-EX Development Task Force (TF) to advance system development toward an early launch of operations.

No. Document name Summary
2 Warranty of service level Document that stipulates the quality guarantee level of service provided by DATA-EX
Used to understand the quality guarantee level of service provided by DATA-EX operation companies and the scope of responsibility
3 DATA-EX data catalogue item specification Items of a data catalog used in DATA-EX are decided. Also, items (title, explanation, creator, etc.) based on the international standard (W3C DCAT) used to understand items necessary to be written in a document data catalog for an explanation of item specifications, items (contract mode, the obligation to keep confidentiality, usage purpose, etc.) regarding a utilization license necessary to grasp utilization usage conditions and search conditions, items (lexicon, terms, schema, etc.) necessary for an understanding of data contents, items (connector ID, DDP ID, etc.) necessary for realizing data exchange, etc. will be written.
4 DATA-EX data catalogue item
Set up a guideline for supplementation of value settings of data catalogue item specifications and a nomination list of values
5 DATA-EX usage handbook Document that stipulates participation criteria for DATA-EX and explains how to operate it Used to understand how to participate in DATA-EX and how to use DATA-EX
6 Usage contract Document that stipulates participants’ rights, obligations and rules to follow at the time of use of DATA-EX
Used to understand unified rules of DATA-EX applied to all participants
7 Privacy policy book Document that stipulates a policy of handling personal information in DATA-EX
Used to understand the purpose of use, etc. of personal information obtained via DATA-EX

Note: A data space is a distributed system defined by a governance framework that enables secure and trustworthy transactions between participants. On this site, the terms “data space” and “data federation platform” are used interchangeably.

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