Conclusion of Collaboration Agreement with The International Data Spaces e. V. (IDSA)

Conclusion of Collaboration Agreement with The International Data Spaces e. V. (IDSA) We agree on international cooperation for international standards to realize a data society.

On October 10, 2021, the Data Society Association (DSA) signed a collaboration agreement with The International Data Spaces, e. V. (IDSA), a leader in promoting standards for data collaboration in Europe.
In this way, both organizations will contribute to creating and developing a data society that will ensure reliable data sharing by all stakeholders under their sovereignty to realize a growing data economy.

Specifically, DSA and IDSA will mutually promote cooperation in the following activities We will mutually support each other in further developing our respective global standards, such as IEEE and ISO.

– Promote funding for research and standardization promotion in Japan and Europe to facilitate joint activities.
– DSA will support the establishment of an IDS hub in Japan.
– IDSA will support the strengthening of DSA activities in Europe.
– Members and member organizations of both organizations will promote knowledge sharing

by introducing each other’s activities.

Representatives from both organizations made the following comments on the partnership.

Lars Nagel, The International Data Spaces e. V., C.E.O.

This is an essential step towards an open standard for intercontinental data exchange, and we are very pleased that DSA is supporting the establishment of an IDS Hub in Japan.
This partnership has great potential for further cooperation and exchange between Japan and Europe.
The partnership aims to facilitate joint activities in Japan and Europe, focusing on data quality for data sharing between companies, certification, and architecture for data sharing.
In addition, IDSA and DSA will intensively discuss questions and developments related to data
exchange, data catalogs, and data marketplaces.

Noriaki Okui, President, Data Society Alliance

With great pleasure and pride, we announce that a collaboration agreement has been reached between IDSA and DSA.
In a digital society, data utilization, sharing, and mutual use is a major driving force.
Our goal is for everyone to enjoy a rich social life and development through the use of data, regardless of country, region, or business category.
Interconnectivity and collaboration across countries and regions are crucial to achieving this.
We expect that the partnership between the two organizations, leaders in data collaboration in Japan and Europe, will accelerate data
collaboration in Japan and Europe.

About IDSA
The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is a coalition of more than 130 Europeanbased companies that share a vision of a world in which all companies are free to determine their own rules of use and maximize the value of their data in a secure, trustworthy and equal partnership.
IDSA’s goal is to establish global standards for international data spaces (IDS) and interfaces and to foster the development of relevant technologies and business models across industry that will drive the data economy of the future.

About DSA
The Data Society Alliance (DSA) aims to contribute to the realization of a prosperous data society through the fair and free distribution and utilization of data across disciplines in collaboration with industry, government, and academia, and through international cooperation.
As one of our activities, we will promote DATA-EX, a platform for cross-disciplinary data collaboration that links existing data collaboration efforts.


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